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Email Professionalism (EP)


The purpose of this course is the professionalisation of email communication through etiquette, confidentiality, ethical communication, acknowledgment, utilisation of the rules and tools and communicating in a professional manner.

SAQA Unit Standards

114984 Manage electronic mail in a business environment.

Who should do this course?
Any person involved in sending email correspondence in a business environment.

Assessment required for competency.

  • Use language structures and features.
  • Draft own writing and edit to improve clarity and correctness.
  • Writing produced is appropriate to audience, purpose and context.
  • Corrections are an improvement on the original.
  • Control of grammar, diction, sentence and paragraph structure is checked and adapted for consistency.
  • There is clear evidence that major grammatical and linguistic errors are edited out in redrafts.
  • Inappropriate or potentially offensive language is identified and adapted/removed.
  • Experimentation with different layout and options for presentation are appropriate to the nature and purpose of the task.

Additional Info:
NQF Level: 3
Credits: 2

1 Day Contact Class or Own Speed Online and Virtual

Learning Methodologies:
MethodDurationPrice *
CC1 day3,350.00
VS1 day3,350.00
OD1 day2,350.00

*All prices are excluding VAT.

for group pricing

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