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Presentation Excellence (EXE)


Most people find it difficult to stand in front of people to conduct presentations.

Attend this course and be more professional and confident in making the unexpected happen! Don’t make a speech – put on a show!

SAQA Unit Standards

119472 Accommodate audience and context needs in oral communication. 

119462 Engage in sustained oral/signed communication and evaluate spoken/signed text.

119469 Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts. 

Who should do this course?
Any person who would like to improve on their presentation skills.

Assessment required for competency.

  • Identifying and analysing the target audience for an effective presentation.
  • Planning and preparing the structure to communicate the central message of the presentation logically.
  • Planning visuals and other devices to involve the audience during the presentation.
  • Preparing supporting material suitable for the presentation.
  • Identifying and analysing the environment for the presentation.
  • Identifying and choosing the kind of presentation fit for the purpose.
  • Planning of presentation.

Additional Info:
NQF Level: 3
Credits: 15

2 Days Contact Class or Own Speed Online and Virtual

Learning Methodologies:
MethodDurationPrice *
CC2 days5,550.00
VS2 days5,550.00
OD2 days3,850.00

*All prices are excluding VAT.

for group pricing

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